Away Sales Events

The Railway’s Away Sales Team represent the Railway at various events around the country. Upcoming events are listed below, if the text is coloured click on it to be taken to the relevant webpage for the event (external to our website).

  • Saturday 18th JuneModel Railways in the Tunnels, 10am-4pm at the Ramsgate Tunnels, Marina Esplanade, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8FH – admission free. We will have a sales and information stand at this event.
  • Saturday/Sunday 3rd/4th SeptemberMedway Model Railway Show, 10am-5pm at Fort Pitt Grammar School, Fort Pitt Hill, Chatham, Kent, ME4 6TJ. Admission: adults £TBC, accompanied children (under 16) free. Free parking. We will have a sales and information stand at this event.

If you would like to invite the Railway to an event, please email, we have a sales stand which sells books, toys and gifts to raise money for the Railway. We do have a small marquee and a gazebo for outdoor events.

Margaret, Iain and Barry await your custom!