Melior, Unique and Kemsley Mill’s Centenary Celebration

2024 sees steam locomotive ‘Melior’, fireless steam locomotive ‘Unique’ and Kemsley Paper Mill all turning 100 years old. ‘Melior’ will be bowing out of service for a while too so let’s give the engine a great send-off!

We hope to have ‘Melior’ back in service in 2025 but for the rest of the year ‘Premier’ will be our only steam locomotive.

‘Unique’ will be relocated to a new plinth track alongside No.1 later this summer – both fireless steam locomotives will stand cab to cab.

The garden railway will also be running featuring a variety of models of Bowater’s Railway locomotives, coaches and wagons.

Train service

Trains depart Sittingbourne Viaduct station at 11.30am, 12.30pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm – please note there is a gap between the 12.30pm and 2pm trains.

Trains depart Kemsley Down station at 12.05pm, 1.35pm, 2.35pm, 3.35pm & 4.45pm – please note there is a gap between the 12.05pm and 1.35pm trains.

Please note

The M25 motorway is completely closed on this weekend so you may have to replan your journey to avoid the diversionary route which is expected to be extremely busy.