This week (2nd-8th September 2024)

Trains running on Sunday

Trains will depart Sittingbourne Viaduct station at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm. Steam locomotive ‘Premier’ will be hauling the trains.

What’s happening?

Click on the image to see our timetable leaflet

This month (September)

  • Sunday 8thgreen timetable – trains depart Sittingbourne Viaduct station at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm
  • Sunday 15th – green timetable – trains depart Sittingbourne Viaduct station at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm
  • Sunday 22ndgreen timetable – trains depart Sittingbourne Viaduct station at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm
  • Saturday 28thGala Weekend – a special timetable will be in operation
  • Sunday 29thGala Weekend – a special timetable will be in operation

On days in bold underline, ‘Premier’ is scheduled to be the locomotive of the day.

On days in bold, ‘Premier’ and one of our diesel locomotives (shown as *) will be hauling trains.


Here are the return fares:

A small number of tickets are available for pre-booking on each train from Sittingbourne Viaduct – click on the button below or call the TicketSource hotline on 0333 6663366. There is no need to pre-book, this option is for those who feel more secure having done so. There is a small booking fee for booking through TicketSource.

Future events (click on the images to find out more)

Photo of the Week

’Premier’ approaches Sittingbourne Viaduct over Milton Regis Viaduct. The area in the foreground used to be part of Milton Creek but was filled in a long time ago.  

Find out more…

To find out more about the Railway – visit our website (, call 01795 424899, see our page on Facebook, or find us on X (formerly known as Twitter), Threads or Instagram or Tumblr as @SandKLR. To contact us, email or call 01795 424899.

We now have a new telephone system – you can be connected straight through to TicketSource to book tickets over the phone, listen to a 4 minute-long talking timetable message or leave a message for one of our volunteers to get back to you if you would like to know about group bookings, footplate experiences, private hire, birthday parties etc. (details are also available on the website) – all by calling 01795 424899.


Travel information

We recommend using a live journey planner such as Google Maps due to the large number of road works in the area.

For more information on key closures of the M25 for the Wisley Interchange works click here and for more information on the A249/M2 interchange works at Stockbury Roundabout click here.