This week (4-10th December 2023)

Santa Specials are go!

Santa Specials are up and running – hauled by 99-year-old steam locomotive Melior. Tickets MUST be pre-booked and most trains have already sold out but tickets are still available for some trains on 16/17th and 22nd/23rd December.

Visit our Santa Specials page for full details and click on the button below to book your seats. If you have a larger family group, don’t forget that Coach C takes 10 passengers or A1 & A2 and A3 & A4 seat 12 together. If your group is bigger than that or you have a wheelchair in your group, please email or call 07973192938 (please leave a message or text if the call is unanswered).


The fares are:

  • Adult: £15
  • Children (3-15): £15
  • Infants (under 3): £10
  • SKLR Members: Adults £8, Children £10

Booking progress

Day Date Trains
Saturday 16th 11am 12pm 2pm 3pm
Sunday 17th 11am 12pm 2pm 3pm
Friday 22nd 11am 12pm 2pm 3pm
Saturday 23rd 11am 12pm 2pm 3pm

Bold Green trains have plenty of seats available

Bold Italic Underlined Amber trains are more than 50% booked

Plain Red Strikethrough trains are fully booked – there is a waitlist

Last updated: 8th December 2023

Check the Santa Specials page for more information and the up-to-date booking progress table.

Operation Sittingbourne

There has been an incredible amount of work carried out at Sittingbourne Viaduct station since the Gala Weekend back on 30th September & 1st October – half of the platform has been replaced with a new, wider and taller platform which will make access to the trains easier for the less able. The remainder of the platform will be rebuilt next autumn.

The project has received a boost from building product supplier Ibstock, a leading UK manufacturer of a diverse range of building products and solutions. The Group has eight core product categories, including flooring & lintels and rail & infrastructure. Ibstock’s factory in Sittingbourne generously topped-up an existing grant from Swale Borough Council providing concrete beams for the new beam-and-block concrete platform which sits on top of cast concrete piers and also provided pre-cast concrete platform edging. All these concrete products were delivered free of charge by Seymour Transport Ltd.

The use of pre-cast concrete products was a key enabler for reconstruction of Sittingbourne Viaduct Platform, due to the lack of road access to the station site.  By choosing beam-and-block construction it was possible for the materials to be delivered to the Railway’s Kemsley Down station, then taken to Sittingbourne Viaduct by train.  From there it could be directly unloaded into position by the Railway’s hard-working volunteer workforce, which had already removed the old platform and installed foundations and cast concrete piers for the first section of new platform, generously funded by member donations.


Photos: Paul Williams/SKLR