Extended (Yellow) Timetable
Extended (Yellow) Timetable
We’re running more trains for you to enjoy. Whether you turn up on the first train and stay all day or come along for a quick visit, we will be delighted to see you!
We have the Wheels of Time activity for kids that would like to learn more about our Railway, it takes around an hour to complete and may require asking our volunteers for help or information – we’re only too happy to help.
Rail Riders Club members are welcome today, we look forward to your visit.
- Trains depart Sittingbourne Viaduct at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm
- Trains depart Kemsley Down at 12.35pm, 1.35pm, 2.35pm, 3.35pm & 4.45pm
2025 Fares
- £9 for adults
- £4.50 for children (3-15)
- Infants aged under 3 travel free
- £8 for senior citizens
- £24 for families (2 adults and 4 children)
- Other fares available