Work Weekends

We really need your help to maintain and repair everything at the Railway from the track to the buildings, the gardens to the locomotives and carriages, so we have planned a number of Work Weekends.

Things to remember:

  • we start at 10am and finish at about 4pm
  • email (by 5pm Friday) to arrange a lift from Kemsley Paper Mill car park, Sittingbourne National Rail or Sittingbourne Viaduct stations
  • bring your own lunch (especially if we are working at Kemsley Down)
  • dress in layers of clothes, particularly if it is cold outside
  • wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty or ruined
  • wear safety work boots or shoes if possible
  • if you have a ‘trade’ please advise us beforehand as we may have a specific requirement for your skills – email

What are we working on?

  • Premier maintenance
  • Melior maintenance
  • Alpha restoration
  • Superb maintenance
  • Chattenden & Upnor Railway Coach 204 rebuild
  • General maintenance – carriages, wagons, buildings, grounds, track etc.
  • Finishing off the new platform at Sittingbourne Viaduct station

The Winter 2025 Work Weekend dates are:

  • 1/2 February – working at Kemsley Down on Sunday

  • 15/16 February

  • 1/2 March

  • 15/16 March

  • 29/30 March

Sittingbourne Viaduct platform reconstruction project

There will be some further work required to finish the project at Sittingbourne Viaduct – we’re very nearly there but will need to complete it this Spring.


Platform concrete beams provided funded by Swale Borough Council and Ibstock, transport free of charge by Seymour Transportation Ltd.

Kemsley Down

Work will continue as usual on Wednesdays and Saturdays for the Carriage & Wagon Department at Kemsley Down and the Permanent Way on Wednesdays and Sundays at Kemsley Down. The Locomotive Engineering Department work at Kemsley Down most Tuesdays and Saturdays and the Work Weekends detailed above.

There will be hot and cold drinks available at Kemsley Down but please bring your own lunch as there is nowhere close by to buy food. We work from 10am until about 4pm, mostly at Kemsley Down. Email to arrange access as our site is within Kemsley Paper Mill.